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Morandi a vent'anni

Museo Morandi
November 15, 2015 - June 26, 2016

Dipinti della Collezione Mattioli dal Guggenheim di Venezia

The Museo Morandi presents four masterpieces by the Bolognese artist, all dated between 1913 and 1915. They come from one of the most important art collections, that of Gianni Mattioli, in long-term loan at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, thanks to his daughter Laura Mattioli Rossi. The valuable cooperation with this institution offers the Museo Morandi’s public the opportunity to enjoy some works of indisputable quality, all dating from the artist’s early period,

On this occasion Museo Morandi presents, in addition to Mattioli's paintings, some early works by Morandi, less known to the public: two academy studies, some portraits of his sister Dina, the unique futurist composition and the cubist one of 1915.
Three valuable drawings of 1919 – 20, with a rare documentary value, and which correspond to three important paintings of his metaphysical period, complete the room.