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Giuseppe Penone

25 September - 8 December 2008

The project of this exhibition was entirely conceived in relation to the spaces of the museum. It presents a wide selection of works belonging to major series in the master’s career and a number of new works never before shown of which “Scrigno” opens the exhibitory itinerary. “Scrigno” is composed of a bronze element and forty-two elements in leather. The installation shares the “reflection upon the practice of sculpture” common to all of Penone’s preceding production.

The exhibition goes beyond the concept of a retrospective. It was the intention of the artist himself and of the curator to show the works as part of an evolving discourse and not as the elements of a chronological sequence. The series of “Alberi” exhibited in MAMbo’s “Manica Lunga” is explanatory of such an approach.

The layout of the other rooms of MAMbo retrace the most significant steps in the production of the artist. “Soffio” and “Soffio di creta” (1978/1979), works based on the concept of breath as a volume of air that on entering matter becomes sculpture, and “Soffio di Foglie” (1979) in which bodily weight leaves its mark in the matter itself.

“Palpebre” (1989-1991) and the series “Pelle di Grafite” (2003-2006) are based on drawing as an “action” connected with sculpture. Here, the act of touching and leaving marks become one with the traces left by the artist on malleable surfaces.

In the series “Spine d’Acacia”, of which “Spine d’Acacia-occhio” (2004), “Spoglia d'oro su spine d'acacia - bocca” (2002), “Spine D'Acacia – fronte” (2002) “Spine d’acacia (mano) and “Pelle di marmo” (2003) the aspect of drawing springs from the mark left by the hand, the most sensitive points of which are traced by the thorns.